on which of the following lines does the point (7, 1) lie?

A. y - 5x = 4

B. y = x - 10

C. y = -4x + 3*****

D. y = -x + 8

can someone check this ASAP please?


1 is not -28 + 3

im confused what?

you plug the point into the equation and see if the equation is true

x = 7 , y = 1

Thank you R_scott, I just got confused on what damon said :/

To determine on which line the point (7, 1) lies, we need to substitute the values of x and y into each of the given equations and see which one satisfies the equation.

Let's check each option:

A. y - 5x = 4
Substituting the point (7, 1) into the equation:
1 - 5(7) = 4
1 - 35 = 4
-34 = 4
The left side of the equation does not equal the right side, so the point (7, 1) does not lie on this line.

B. y = x - 10
Substituting the point (7, 1) into the equation:
1 = 7 - 10
1 = -3
Again, the left side does not equal the right side, so the point (7, 1) does not lie on this line either.

C. y = -4x + 3
Substituting the point (7, 1) into the equation:
1 = -4(7) + 3
1 = -28 + 3
1 = -25
Once again, the left side does not equal the right side, so the point (7, 1) does not lie on this line.

D. y = -x + 8
Substituting the point (7, 1) into the equation:
1 = -(7) + 8
1 = -7 + 8
1 = 1
Finally, the left side equals the right side, which means the point (7, 1) does lie on this line.

Therefore, the point (7, 1) lies on line D: y = -x + 8.