Which pair of transformations to the figure shown below would produce an image that is on top of the original (same position, shape, and size)?

Difficult to say, without the figure.

I think it is c or b

To determine the pair of transformations that would produce an image on top of the original, we first need to identify the possible transformations.

Transformations include translation, rotation, reflection, and dilation.

Assuming that the original figure is not rotated, reflected, or dilated, the pair of transformations that will preserve the same position, shape, and size are translation followed by rotation.

1. Translation: A translation moves an object from one position to another without changing its orientation or shape. To perform a translation, we can move the figure horizontally or vertically.

2. Rotation: A rotation turns the object around a fixed point called the center of rotation. It doesn't change the shape or size of the figure.

By combining these two transformations, we can achieve an image that is on top of the original. First, we apply a translation to move the figure to the desired position. Then, we perform a rotation around a fixed point.

Note: The specific values for the translation and rotation depend on the given figure, which is not provided in this question.