Which of the following is the best definition of stage directions?

A: notes on how to write the story
B: notes on how the work is to be staged and performed *
C: notes on how to place props and lighting
D: notes on how to build the set to match the play wrights vision
Help me plz

I agree.

yes it B.

To determine the best definition of stage directions, let's break down each option:

A: "Notes on how to write the story" - This option isn't directly related to stage directions. Stage directions provide guidance on how a play is performed, rather than how it is written.

B: "Notes on how the work is to be staged and performed" - This option is the most accurate definition of stage directions. Stage directions provide instructions for actors' movements, gestures, and emotions, as well as details on blocking, entrances, and exits. They also guide the overall staging and performance aspects of a play.

C: "Notes on how to place props and lighting" - While stage directions may include directions about props and lighting, they encompass much more than that. Placing props and lighting is just a part of the broader instructions provided in stage directions.

D: "Notes on how to build the set to match the playwright's vision" - Building the set to match the playwright's vision is specifically the responsibility of the set designer, not stage directions. Stage directions provide instructions for the actors and the overall staging of the play, rather than specific details about set design.

By analyzing the options, we can conclude that option B, "notes on how the work is to be staged and performed," is the best definition of stage directions.