as a general, Alexander was known for his ______________. Help me fill out the blank

My answer is : Legacy

It could be legacy. Do you have other choices?

no cause its fill in the blank

You do have other choices.

As a general, Alexander was indeed known for his legacy. To fill out the blank, one way to determine the answer is by researching and studying Alexander the Great's life and achievements. Here are a few key aspects of his legacy that contribute to the answer:

1. Military Achievements: Alexander the Great is widely recognized as one of history's greatest military tacticians. He created one of the largest empires of the ancient world through his series of successful conquests, including the defeat of the Persian Empire.

2. Cultural Influence: Alexander's empire, known as the Hellenistic Empire, had a significant impact on the spread of Greek culture and ideas throughout the regions he conquered. This cultural assimilation, known as Hellenization, left a lasting legacy on the arts, sciences, literature, and even political systems.

3. Political Expansion: Alexander's military campaigns expanded the boundaries of ancient Macedonia and brought various regions under his rule. This expansion helped shape the political landscape of the ancient world and set the stage for future empires and kingdoms.

4. Architectural Marvels: Alexander's legacy is also seen in the many cities he founded, including Alexandria in Egypt. These cities became centers of cultural exchange, trade, and intellectual growth, and many of their architectural wonders remain standing today.

By considering these aspects of Alexander the Great's life and influence, we can conclude that his legacy is an accurate answer to the question.