Which impact did the opium trade have on China?

A. It brought economic prosperity.

B. It helped to increase cultural diversity.

C. It resulted in addiction and conflict.

D. It strengthened community and family ties.*****

can someone check this please?

Just wanted to say that thor in avengers endgame got chunky he need to lose some weight like a lot but the movie was still amazingly awesome and the hulk looks like shrek if he was smart

Yes, C.

You're welcome.

OH! I thought it said that it DIDNT strengthen homes and families! my bad! I changing it to C, thank you for bringing that to my attention!

is the answer c ?

oh ok, lemme reread them, thank you for letting me know that!

Yes, The answer is C.

yes answer is c

thank you very much! -^w^-

it is c

Definitely not D!

Read those choices carefully. What effect does opium have on anyone?