{This isn't a test or quiz, it's personal curiosity, thank you!} What career or degrees are similar to archeology & paleography?

anthropologist, museum curator, paleontologist,

Thank you Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Madi. I'm sure there are more careers in that category, but that's all I can think of now.

You'll learn about more careers as you study related subjects.

When considering careers or degrees similar to archaeology and paleography, it's important to explore related disciplines that involve studying historical artifacts and texts. Here are a few options:

1. Anthropology: Anthropology deals with the study of human culture, society, and biology. This field often involves archaeological research and analysis, making it closely related to archaeology.

2. History: Pursuing a degree in history allows you to delve into the study of the past, analyze historical events, and interpret primary sources. While it may not involve hands-on excavation like archaeology, studying historical texts can be similar to paleography.

3. Classics: A degree in classics focuses on the languages, literature, history, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. This field often involves the study of ancient texts and can overlap with paleography if you specialize in deciphering and interpreting ancient scripts.

4. Cultural Heritage Management: This field involves the preservation, conservation, and management of cultural heritage sites, artifacts, and documents. It combines aspects of archaeology, history, and techniques for preserving and cataloging cultural materials.

5. Museology or Museum Studies: These degrees focus on the principles and practices involved in managing and curating artifacts and collections within museums. While they may not directly involve on-site excavations, they encompass important aspects of preserving and interpreting historical objects.

When exploring these fields, it is important to research their specific requirements and opportunities to determine which aligns most closely with your interests and goals.