$100 buy 100 chickens roosters=5.00

Baby chicks=.05

State your questions in language that one understands.

To determine how many roosters, hens, and baby chicks you can buy with $100, you can divide the total amount by the price of each chicken category.

Let's start with roosters:
The price of one rooster is $5.00.
To find the number of roosters, divide $100 by $5.00:
100 ÷ 5 = 20 roosters.

Next, let's move on to hens:
The price of one hen is $1.00.
To determine the number of hens, divide $100 by $1.00:
100 ÷ 1 = 100 hens.

Finally, let's calculate the number of baby chicks:
The price of one baby chick is $0.05.
To find the number of baby chicks, divide $100 by $0.05:
100 ÷ 0.05 = 2000 baby chicks.

So, with $100, you can buy 20 roosters, 100 hens, and 2000 baby chicks.