identify all the sets in witch the number 3.121422144..... belongs.

A. rational number
B. irrational number
C.integer, rational number
D. whole number, integer, rational number

HALP me on this plz O_O

also what is a rational and irrational number O_O

If you are showing that the decimals do not repeat in some specific pattern, then the number is irrational.

i also need the answers to the other questions so plz help me ;(

a rational number which can be expressed as a fraction of the form

a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not equal to zero.

all terminating decimal numbers are rational, that is , they can be expressed as a ratio. That is where the name "rational" comes from, rational.
eg .75 = 3/4

all decimal numbers, where the decimal part ends in a repeating decimal pattern are also rational
e.g. 0.23595959... = 584/2475
All other non-terminating non-repeating decimals are irrational, that is, not rational

It is B

does B fit my descriptions and definitions ?

You do not need the answers. You want the answers. You are a cheater.