A rental company charges a flat fee of $25 and an additional $0.40 per mile to rent a car

And your question is??

To calculate the cost of renting a car from this company, you need to consider two factors: the flat fee and the additional charge per mile.

First, add the flat fee of $25 to the total amount. This is the base cost of renting the car.

Next, calculate the additional charge per mile by multiplying the distance traveled by $0.40. This will give you the extra cost based on the distance driven.

Finally, add the base cost and the additional charge per mile to get the total cost of renting the car.

Let's say you want to rent the car for a total distance of 100 miles. Here's how you can calculate the cost:

1. Add the flat fee: $25 + $0 = $25
2. Calculate the additional charge per mile: 100 miles × $0.40 per mile = $40
3. Add the base cost and the additional charge per mile: $25 + $40 = $65

Therefore, the cost of renting the car for a 100-mile trip would be $65.