Why are fables from ancient Greece still used today? *

(A) to illustrate tragedy
(B)to teach about heroes
(C)to teach about gods
(D)to teach moral lessons
I think it is D. Please check! Thank you very much, Sliverstream.

I think you're right.


To determine why fables from ancient Greece are still used today, we can analyze the options and evaluate their relevance.

(A) To illustrate tragedy: This option is not directly related to the purpose of fables, as tragedy typically involves the representation of serious and somber events.

(B) To teach about heroes: Fables generally do not focus on heroes, but rather on animals or mythical creatures who exhibit certain characteristics or behaviors.

(C) To teach about gods: While ancient Greek mythology includes gods, fables are not primarily used to convey knowledge about them.

(D) To teach moral lessons: This option is the most accurate. Fables often contain a moral lesson or message conveyed through the actions and behaviors of anthropomorphic animals or mythical creatures. By using relatable characters and narratives, fables effectively communicate moral values and life lessons in an engaging manner.

Therefore, option (D) is correct. Fables are still used today because they continue to be valuable tools for teaching moral lessons and guiding individuals towards making virtuous choices.