Which material was not used by early humans to make tools?





that a bad username wtf

It is not bone because i got that wrong the fist time

Yes, this person needs to get an acceptable screen name in order to continue posting here.

Which of those materials were NOT used?

2 month later* wow

The answer is metal. Early humans did not have the knowledge or technology to work with metal in order to make tools. To arrive at this answer, we can examine the different materials commonly used by early humans during prehistoric times.

- Bones: Early humans used bones from animals they hunted to make various tools such as needles, fishhooks, and even weapons like spears.
- Wood: They also used wood from trees to create tools like clubs, digging sticks, bows, and arrows.
- Stone: Stone was one of the most widely used materials by early humans. They crafted tools such as hand axes, scraping tools, and cutting tools by chipping and shaping stones.

However, the use of metal came later in human history, during the Bronze Age (around 3300 BCE) and Iron Age (around 1200 BCE). These periods marked significant advancements in metallurgy, allowing humans to create tools and weapons using metals like bronze and iron. But during the early stages of human civilization, metalworking was not yet developed, so metal was not used to make tools.