Review the passage.

During WWI, (Christian) Armenians had been in revolt and had taken control of some Ottoman provinces. As the Ottoman military was retreating from the eastern front, where it was battling the Russians and British, soldiers began relocating Armenians for security reasons. As they were being transported, Armenians were killed in attacks by local Muslims and also died from hunger and diseases. Similarly, Muslims were killed in Armenian controlled areas.

Who would most likely hold the perspective described above?

a Brit
an Armenian
a Turk
a Russian

I think C

I agree.

To determine who would most likely hold the perspective described in the passage, let's analyze the information given. The passage mentions that during World War I, Armenians were in revolt and had taken control of some Ottoman provinces. It also states that Armenians were being relocated and killed by local Muslims, while Muslims were being killed in Armenian controlled areas.

Based on this information, it is likely that a Turk would hold the perspective described in the passage. Since the passage mentions the Ottoman military retreating from the eastern front, it implies that the perspective being described represents the viewpoint of someone from the Ottoman Empire, which is predominantly Turkish.

Therefore, option C - a Turk - is the most likely answer.