Draw triangle ABC with angle A=35 degrees AC=6cm and angle C=65 degrees

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B = 180 - (35+65) = 80o.

AB/sin65 = 6/sin80.
AB = 6*sin65/sin80 = 5.52 cm

BC/sin35 = 6/sin80.
BC = ?

To draw triangle ABC with the given information, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a straight line segment with any convenient length. This will be the base of the triangle. Label the endpoints of this segment as points A and B.

2. Measure 6 cm from point A along the line segment and mark the endpoint as point C.

3. Using a protractor, draw a line segment from point C to point B at an angle of 65 degrees. This will form one of the sides of the triangle.

4. Using the same protractor, draw a line segment from point A to point C at an angle of 35 degrees. This will be the other side of the triangle.

5. Finally, connect points A and B to complete the triangle ABC.

Remember to label the angles and sides of the triangle accordingly.