Which of the following passages from the text best supports the story’s theme of perseverance?

A. "I followed Father’s orders faithfully."

B. "And like Father, she was not afraid to talk to me like an equal."

C. "I wrote several drafts of it and then copied it out in the fine, elegant hand Miss Whitlaw had taught me."

D. "The next morning, I found that Father had picked up the letter and smoothed it out on the table as best he could."

The book is DragonWings

sorry to bother again....but the answers make no since...everyone says tho the answer is B but i think its A, Ms, Sue can u help me?

Well, ain't that harsh?

1. C
2. D
3. A
4. D
It's correct, I promise you.

Ms. Sue is always tearing some kid down and being rude, Probably some little kid or a sad a adult who dates cats. Lol

hes right its cdad <3

C dad

That's very harsh ms. sue... Its CDAD its 100% Hope that helps <3

It was correct. I have no reason to lie because lying does absolutely NOTHING for you. See dad, it was C DAD! Lol, never gets old. But it is correct for your info!


the DAD is correct but the C is wrong

Of course, I'm here to help! I understand you're seeking clarification about the question regarding the theme of perseverance in the book DragonWings. The provided answer choices are passages from the text, and you're unsure of the correct option.

To determine which passage best supports the theme of perseverance, we need to consider the definition of perseverance. Perseverance refers to the ability to persist in achieving a goal, despite challenges, obstacles, or setbacks.

Let's analyze the provided answer choices:

A. "I followed Father's orders faithfully."

This choice indicates obedience and loyalty, but it doesn't necessarily highlight perseverance. It shows adherence to instructions but not necessarily overcoming difficulties or persisting in achieving a goal.

B. "And like Father, she was not afraid to talk to me like an equal."

This option doesn't directly suggest perseverance either. It portrays a character's willingness to engage in equal conversation, but it doesn't explicitly address perseverance in the face of challenges.

C. "I wrote several drafts of it and then copied it out in the fine, elegant hand Miss Whitlaw had taught me."

This passage demonstrates the process of writing and refining a message. It reveals the character's dedication to improving their writing skills. While it displays commitment, it doesn't necessarily emphasize perseverance in the broader sense.

D. "The next morning, I found that Father had picked up the letter and smoothed it out on the table as best he could."

This choice highlights the actions of the character's father, who tries to salvage and tidy up the letter. Though it may reflect resilience or tidiness, it doesn't strongly correlate with the theme of perseverance.

After reviewing the four options, it seems that option B, "And like Father, she was not afraid to talk to me like an equal," is the best choice. While it doesn't explicitly mention perseverance, it encourages an attitude of determination and equal communication, potentially supporting the theme of perseverance.

However, it's important to note that literary analysis can be subjective, and different readers might have varying interpretations. It's always beneficial to support your answer with evidence and reasoning from the text to make a more compelling argument.

Remember, if you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!

BACD is 100% right

Neither is correct. Please do not post this question again.