What are ways that ordinary people can help to keep antibiotic resistance from getting worse?

To prevent antibiotic resistance:

Discard any leftover medication once the prescribed course of treatment is completed. Do not ask for antibiotics when your doctor thinks you do not need them. Remember antibiotics have side effects. Prevent infections by practising good hand hygiene and getting the recommended vaccine.

Discard any leftover medication once the prescribed course of treatment is completed. Do not ask for antibiotics when your doctor thinks you do not need them. Remember antibiotics have side effects. Prevent infections by practising good hand hygiene and getting the recommended vaccine.

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To help prevent antibiotic resistance from getting worse, ordinary people can take several actions:

1. Use antibiotics only when necessary: Antibiotics are effective in treating bacterial infections but do not work against viruses. It's important to only take antibiotics when prescribed by a healthcare professional for a diagnosed bacterial infection. Avoid pressuring your doctor for antibiotics when they are not needed.

2. Finish the full course of antibiotics: When prescribed antibiotics, it's crucial to complete the full course as prescribed by your doctor, even if you start feeling better. Stopping treatment early can leave bacteria surviving and potentially resistant to the antibiotic.

3. Do not share or use leftover antibiotics: Avoid using antibiotics prescribed for someone else, as they may not be suitable for your condition. Similarly, do not share antibiotics with others or use leftover antibiotics from previous illnesses.

4. Practice good hygiene: Regular handwashing with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers can help reduce the spread of bacteria and prevent infections. Proper hygiene also includes covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing and disposing of tissues properly.

5. Follow infection control precautions: If you are visiting a healthcare setting, follow infection control guidelines such as wearing masks, following hand hygiene practices, and adhering to isolation protocols as advised by healthcare professionals.

6. Avoid using antimicrobial products unnecessarily: Antimicrobial products like soaps, cleaners, and hand sanitizers should only be used when necessary. Overuse of these products can contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance.

7. Support local, sustainable farming practices: Antibiotics are used in livestock and poultry farming to promote growth and prevent diseases. Supporting local, sustainable farming practices that reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics can contribute to tackling antibiotic resistance.

Remember, the fight against antibiotic resistance requires collective efforts from individuals, healthcare providers, policymakers, and the community as a whole.