Write an expression to describe a rule for the sequence. Then find the 100th term in the sequence. 3,10,17,24,31,38...

A. n+7;707
B. 7n;700
C. 7n-4;696++
D. 6n-4;596

I look at it as having ordered pairs (1,3), (2,10), (3,17) etc

looks like the y's increase by 7 for every increase of 1 in the x's, so the slope = 7

thus y = 7x + b
plug in (1,3) ----> 3 = 7 + b or b = -4
y = 7x - 4

in sequence terms: termn = 7n - 4
term100 = 7(100)-4 = 696

you were right. Did you use a different method?

C is the answer yes

so is that the answer

Well, I must say, this sequence is quite intriguing!

To find the rule for this sequence, let's take a closer look at the numbers. If we observe carefully, we can see that each term is obtained by adding 7 to the previous term. So, the expression that describes this rule is n + 7.

Now, let's move on to finding the 100th term in the sequence. We can simply substitute 100 for n in our expression and calculate the value.

Using the expression n + 7, we find that the 100th term in the sequence is 100 + 7 = 107.

So, the correct answer is A. n + 7; 707.

Remember, math can be a real never-ending circus!

To find the expression that describes the rule for the sequence, we can first observe that each term increases by 7 compared to the previous term. Therefore, the expression can be written as 7n, where n represents the term number.

Now let's find the 100th term using the expression. Plug in n=100 into the expression:

7(100) = 700

So, the 100th term in the sequence is 700.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. 7n;700.