A cylinder has a circular base with a diameter of 12 ft. The height of the cylinder is 4 ft. What is the volume of the cylinder rounded to the nearest whole number? Use 3.14 for pi.





V = π * r^2 * h .

CACBD is right but I'm not sure

Self promoters dont deserve subscribers.

uhhhh the right answers are CACDB if anyone was wondering <3

@sub to my yt channel

wow. what a mature response.

To find the volume of a cylinder, you can use the formula V = πr^2h, where V is the volume, π is the constant pi, r is the radius of the circular base, and h is the height of the cylinder.

Given that the diameter of the base is 12 ft, we can find the radius by dividing the diameter by 2. So, the radius (r) would be 12 ft / 2 = 6 ft.

The height of the cylinder is given as 4 ft (h).

Now, we have gathered the necessary values for the formula:
- Radius (r) = 6 ft
- Height (h) = 4 ft
- Constant (π) = 3.14

Substituting these values into the formula, we can calculate the volume:
V = 3.14 * (6 ft)^2 * 4 ft

First, let's square the radius:
V = 3.14 * 36 ft^2 * 4 ft

Next, let's multiply the terms together:
V = 3.14 * 144 ft^3

Finally, let's calculate the result by multiplying:
V ≈ 452.16 ft^3

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the volume of the cylinder is approximately 452 ft^3.

geez - just use your formula

v = pi r^2 h = 3.14 * 6^2 * 4 = ? ft^2