in an experiment of rolling a car and measuring on how far it went and how much time it took it to reach the far. which is the dependent variable and which is the independent variable?

rolling a car??

i think rolling the car is the dependent variable

Why on earth would you want to experiment with rolling a car? Or is this a toy car?

a toy car


call roll distance d
call time t
distance x (dependent) is a function of time t (independent)
x = f (t)

you could say the inverse , time is a function of distance
t = g(x) but it is less likely that you would do it that way (like determining how long the experiment has been going by how far the ball rolled)

In the given experiment, the dependent variable is the distance the car travels. This means that the distance is the outcome or result of the experiment, and it depends on the independent variable.

The independent variable is the factor being manipulated or controlled in the experiment, which is the time it takes for the car to reach a certain distance. The experimenter intentionally changes the time and measures how far the car has traveled.

To determine the dependent and independent variables in an experiment, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the purpose of the experiment. What are you trying to investigate or measure?

Step 2: Determine what factor you are intentionally changing or manipulating in the experiment. This is the independent variable.

Step 3: Identify the outcome or result of the experiment, which is typically influenced by the changes made to the independent variable. This is the dependent variable.

By following these steps and considering the cause-and-effect relationship between the factors in the experiment, you can identify the dependent and independent variables appropriately.