What do the gas giants have in common?

A. They are much larger than the inner planets.

B. They are made of gas, but studies show that they have solid cores.
C. They support life.
D. They do not lack satellites. Satellites is another word for moons.
E. All of these actually have rings, not just Saturn.

Thanks :-)

but its what they have in common??? im so confused

Me too s

The gas giants, also known as jovian planets, have several common characteristics:

1. Composition: Gas giants are predominantly composed of hydrogen and helium, similar to the composition of the Sun. They lack a solid surface like terrestrial planets such as Earth.

2. Size: Gas giants are much larger than terrestrial planets. They have a mass that is greater than 10 times that of Earth and can be many times larger in diameter.

3. Atmosphere: Gas giants have thick atmospheres consisting primarily of the aforementioned hydrogen and helium, along with traces of other gases like methane, ammonia, and water vapor. These atmospheres are dynamic and often characterized by storm systems, such as the famous Great Red Spot on Jupiter.

4. Rings: Like some of the terrestrial planets, gas giants also possess ring systems. These rings are made up of countless small particles of dust, ice, and rocks that orbit around the planet.

5. Moons: Gas giants usually have numerous moons orbiting around them. These moons can vary in size, from smaller irregularly-shaped objects to sizable moons with diverse geological features, such as Jupiter's moon Io, which is known for its active volcanoes.

To find this information independently, you can consult reliable sources such as scientific articles, textbooks, or educational websites that provide accurate information about the characteristics of gas giants.

They are much larger than the earth

A. They are much larger than earth.

B. They are completely made of gas.
C. They support life.
D. They lack satellites.