Which of the following was true of people moving to suburbs and purchasing automobiles?

Women were allowed to drive and thereby gained more freedom.

It was a lifestyle only the wealthy could afford.

Women were left isolated all day as men took the cars to work in the city.

Cities could not keep up with road construction in places outside the city.

I think A or C.

If each family had one car (and that was standard in the early automobile era), what do you think?

i think B

oh nvm C ;-;

To determine which of the options is true of people moving to suburbs and purchasing automobiles, let's analyze each option:

A. Women were allowed to drive and thereby gained more freedom.
To confirm if this statement is true, we need to understand the historical context. In the early 20th century, women faced societal barriers that limited their mobility and independence. However, the advent of automobiles played a crucial role in expanding women's freedom and independence by providing them with a means of transportation. Women gained the ability to drive themselves and were no longer solely reliant on others for transportation. Hence, option A is likely to be true.

C. Women were left isolated all day as men took the cars to work in the city.
To assess the accuracy of this statement, we need to consider the impact of automobiles on family dynamics and daily life. While it is plausible that men might have predominantly used the family car to commute to work in the city, leaving women without transportation during the day, this scenario is not absolute or applicable to all families. Some families had more than one car or alternative means of transportation, such as public transportation or walking. Therefore, option C may not be universally true.

Based on this analysis, it appears that option A, "Women were allowed to drive and thereby gained more freedom," is more likely to be true.