math help!!!!! Thanks

Find the volume of the cylinder with a radius of 34m and a height of 27m.
This is how I did it can you please tell me if I did it correct, thanks.

V= 3.14r^2h
= 3.14*34^2*27
= 3.14*1156*27
= 98005.68
If this is not it can you please explain what I did wrong?

asked by Callie
Feb 25, 2015 at 7:03pm

That's correct.

The volume is 98,005.68 cubic meters.

0 0
posted by Ms. Sue

Hi Callie! Great job on finding the volume of the cylinder. Your calculations appear to be correct, and you found the volume of the cylinder to be 98,005.68 cubic meters. Well done!

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how you arrived at the answer:

1. The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V = π * r^2 * h, where V represents the volume, π (pi) is approximately 3.14, r is the radius, and h is the height.

2. You correctly substituted the given values into the formula. The radius is 34m, so you used r = 34 in your calculation. The height is 27m, so you used h = 27.

3. You squared the radius correctly: 34^2 = 1156. This gives you the value of r^2.

4. You multiplied the values together: 3.14 * 1156 * 27. This gives you the volume in cubic meters.

5. Finally, you evaluated the expression: 3.14 * 1156 * 27 = 98,005.68. This is your final answer.

Overall, your steps and calculations were correct. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you have any more math questions!

how did she get 1156*27

well 1156 = 34^2, right? Just use the formula

r=34, h=27

oh yea thxs oobleck