How do I show my calculations in the results section of the lab report? The lab is about waters equilibrium temperature and I have several repeated calculations, for example, the margin of error is calculated more than four times. My teacher said to put the results in a table and show which formula I have used, but I don't understand how.

To show your calculations in the results section of your lab report, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a table: Start by creating a table in your lab report specifically for displaying your calculations. You can use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, or you can create a table manually using a word processing software.

2. Label the columns: Label the columns of your table to clearly indicate the type of calculation or formula you used. For example, you can have columns with headings like "Margin of Error Calculation 1", "Margin of Error Calculation 2", and so on.

3. Enter your calculations: In each column, enter the values and formulas you used to calculate the specific result. For instance, in the first row under the "Margin of Error Calculation 1" column, you can write the formula and the specific values used for that calculation.

4. Show all repeated calculations: If you have several repeated calculations like the margin of error, make sure to display each calculation individually. This helps in better understanding and makes it easier for the reader to follow along. Each calculation should be shown in a separate row within the table.

5. Add clear labels: Ensure that you label your calculations clearly in the table to correspond to the specific procedures or steps in your lab report. You can refer back to your methods section for this purpose, referencing any relevant equations or formulas used in the calculations.

6. Include units: It's important to include the units of measurement in your table to maintain clarity. Ensure that the units associated with each calculation are clearly indicated in the table.

By following these steps, you can effectively display your calculations in a table format within the results section of your lab report, ensuring that the reader understands which formulas were used and how they were applied to obtain the results.