Our resolution should begin at midnight on January 1.

There's no problem with your predicate.

However, I don't understand your subject.

The only problem I see (and it has nothing to do with anything dangling!) is whether you mean midnight that begins January 1 or midnight that ends January 1. I think it's the former, right? How else can you prase this?

phrase -- not prase!!

I midnight that begins on January 1st.

To determine when your resolution should begin at midnight on January 1, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine your time zone: Start by identifying the time zone you are in. Time zones are based on the Earth's divisions, and different regions have different local times.

2. Convert to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC): Once you know your time zone, you can convert it to Coordinated Universal Time, also known as UTC. UTC is used as a standard reference time worldwide.

3. Calculate the time difference: Find the time difference between your time zone and UTC. For example, if you are in Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the United States, the time difference is usually UTC-5 during standard time.

4. Determine the precise moment: Midnight on January 1 can mean different things depending on the context. There is midnight at the start of January 1 in your local time zone, as well as midnight at the start of January 1 in UTC. Clarify if you want your resolution to start at local midnight or UTC midnight.

By following these steps, you can determine the exact moment when your resolution should begin at midnight on January 1 in your desired time reference (either local or UTC).