Who was King Athour?

Do you mean King ARTHUR?



To find out about King Arthur, you can start by researching historical records and legendary tales. King Arthur is a legendary figure from Arthurian legend, which originated in medieval literature. While historical evidence is limited, King Arthur is believed to be a legendary British ruler who led the defense of Britain against Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries.

To learn more about King Arthur, you may:

1. Read historical accounts: Although concrete evidence is scarce, historians have attempted to connect the legend of King Arthur with real historical figures and events. Researching books and scholarly articles can provide you with different perspectives and theories.

2. Explore medieval literature: Arthurian legend is primarily found in medieval literature, especially in works like Geoffrey of Monmouth's "Historia Regum Britanniae" and Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur." Reading these texts can give you insights into the legendary tales surrounding King Arthur.

3. Consult academic resources: Universities and academic institutions often publish papers and studies on King Arthur and Arthurian legend. Online databases and digital libraries can provide you with access to these resources.

4. Visit museums and historical sites: If you have the opportunity, visiting museums or historical sites associated with King Arthur, such as the ruins of Tintagel Castle in Cornwall, England, can provide a tangible connection to the legend.

Remember that King Arthur's historical existence is still debated among scholars, and the legend has been heavily romanticized and embellished over the centuries. So, while there is no single definitive answer, exploring various sources and interpretations will enrich your understanding of the legendary King Arthur.