If a circle graph was made for190 135 and 220 what would the central angle be?

are those degrees? relative amounts of some total? what?

If they are three parts of a total of 545, then the central angle for 190 would be

190/545 * 360° = 125.5°

If not, then you got some 'splainin to do, Lucy!

To determine the central angle for each data point in a circle graph, we need to calculate the proportion of each data point compared to the total. Here is how you can calculate the central angles step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate the total of the given data points.
Total = 190 + 135 + 220 = 545

Step 2: Calculate the proportion of each data point compared to the total.
Proportion of 190 = 190 / 545 = 0.3486 (rounded to four decimal places)
Proportion of 135 = 135 / 545 = 0.2477 (rounded to four decimal places)
Proportion of 220 = 220 / 545 = 0.4037 (rounded to four decimal places)

Step 3: Convert the proportions to angles by multiplying them by 360 degrees.
Angle for 190 = 0.3486 * 360 = 125.496 (rounded to three decimal places)
Angle for 135 = 0.2477 * 360 = 89.172 (rounded to three decimal places)
Angle for 220 = 0.4037 * 360 = 145.332 (rounded to three decimal places)

Therefore, the central angles for the data points 190, 135, and 220 in a circle graph would be approximately 125.496 degrees, 89.172 degrees, and 145.332 degrees, respectively.

To find the central angle for a specific value in a circle graph, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Add all the values together to find the total.
In this case, 190 + 135 + 220 = 545.

Step 2: Calculate the proportion of the specific value in relation to the total.
For example, for the value 190, the proportion would be 190/545.

Step 3: Convert the proportion to a percentage by multiplying by 100.
For the value 190, the proportion in percentage would be (190/545) * 100.

Step 4: Calculate the central angle by multiplying the percentage by 360°.
The central angle for the value 190 would be ((190/545) * 100) * 360.

Therefore, to calculate the central angle for the values 190, 135, and 220, you need to repeat steps 2 to 4 for each value.