Who smokes? What age do people smoke?

Not Me. This why nobody should Smoke

People shouldn’t smoke because it’s harmful to the people who smoke, it’s harmful to other people around them, and it’s a waste of money. Some people think they should smoke because some find it calming. It’s harmful to them because it can cause cancer. Also it can take time off your life.

So no Smoking Kiddos!! XD

To find information about who smokes and at what age people commonly start smoking, we can refer to reliable sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and various research studies.

According to these sources, smoking is a behavior that can be observed across different age groups and demographics. However, it is important to note that smoking is generally discouraged due to its numerous health risks.

To determine what age people typically start smoking, we can look at statistical data. The CDC states that most people who smoke begin using tobacco products before the age of 18. Research also shows that early adolescence, between the ages of 10 to 14, is a critical period when many individuals start experimenting with smoking.

It is crucial to remember that smoking is harmful to health, and efforts have been made globally to discourage smoking and promote awareness of its dangers.