Translate this sentence into an equation. The product of Gail's savings and 7 is 126. Use the variable g to represent Gail's savings.

7 g = 126

to get g divide both sides by 7
g = 126/7

Tommy decided to also make a sampler can with a diameter of 2 inches and a height of 3 inches. Tommy calculated that the area of the base was es002-1.jpg, and multiplied that by the height of 3 inches for a total volume of es002-2.jpg. Explain the error Tommy made when calculating the volume of the can.

The product of Matt's savings 9 and 126 is .

a pound of choco costs 8dollars Ric buys p pounds write and equation to represent the total cost c the Pablo pays

is the product of Gail's age and 7.

Translate this sentence into an equation.

Jenny's savings increased by 9 is 48.
Use the variable j to represent Jenny's savings.

Jenny's savings increased by 9 is 48.

Use the variable i to represent Jenny's savings.

To translate the sentence into an equation, we need to express the relationship between Gail's savings (represented by the variable g) and the product of her savings and 7 (which is equal to 126).

The sentence states that "The product of Gail's savings and 7 is 126".

Mathematically, this can be written as:

g * 7 = 126

In this equation, "g" represents Gail's savings, and the asterisk (*) is used to indicate multiplication. By multiplying Gail's savings (g) by 7, we obtain a result of 126.
