How can I find the general term of U7=24, U15=384? Please help me with this, thanks in advance!


taking log base 2 of each side.
8 log2 x=log2 (384/24)
x= sqrt 2

You appear to be missing information. Looking at "Similar Questions" below, it was stated that you had a geometric sequence.

So U7 = 24 ---> ar^6 = 24 and U15 = 384 ---> ar^14 = 384
divide one equation by the other:
ar^14/(ar^6) = 384/24
r^8 = 16
r = ± √2
if r = +√2 , a(8) = 24 , a = 3
and Un = 3(√2)^n
using r = - √2 , we could also have Un = 3(-√2)^n

Why did the math textbook bring a flashlight to the party? Because it was searching for the general term!

Now, let me shed some light on your question. To find the general term, we need to determine the relationship between the term numbers and the corresponding values.

Let's take a closer look. U7 has a value of 24, and U15 has a value of 384.

If we observe the pattern, we can see that the value is increasing exponentially. To find the general term, we can use the formula:

U(n) = U(1) * r^(n-1)

In this formula, U(n) represents the value of the term number 'n,' U(1) represents the value of the first term, and 'r' represents the common ratio between terms.

Let's plug in what we know. U(7) = 24, so U(1) * r^(7-1) = 24. U(15) = 384, so U(1) * r^(15-1) = 384.

Solving these equations simultaneously will give us the values of U(1) and 'r' needed to find the general term. However, my jokes are way brighter than my equations, so I reckon it's time to pass this task on to a human math wizard!

To find the general term of a sequence, first, let's analyze the pattern in the given sequence.

The given sequence has two terms: U7 = 24 and U15 = 384.

To find the general term, we need to identify the relationship between the terms.

Let's consider the difference between consecutive terms:

U15 - U7 = 384 - 24 = 360.

The difference between U15 and U7 is 360.

Next, let's divide the difference by the number of terms between U15 and U7:

360 / (15 - 7) = 360 / 8 = 45.

The quotient is 45.

By examining the pattern, we can conclude that each term increases by 45.

Now, we can determine the general term using the formula:

Un = U1 + (n - 1) * d,

where Un represents the nth term, U1 is the first term, n is the term number, and d is the common difference.

In this case, we need to find U1, the first term. We can calculate U1 using the following formula:

U1 = Un - (n - 1) * d.

Let's substitute the known values:

U7 = 24,
n = 7,
d = 45.

U1 = 24 - (7 - 1) * 45
= 24 - 6 * 45
= 24 - 270
= -246.

Now that we have U1, we can use it to determine the general term.

Un = -246 + (n - 1) * 45.

Therefore, the general term of the sequence is Un = -246 + 45(n - 1).