Which strategies can be used to solve this problem?

The candle factory made 1,200 candles per month in June and July and 1,345 candles per month in August and September. What is the total number of candles they made in four months?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Translate into an equation.
1,200 × 2 + 1,345 × 2 = c

Draw a diagram.
Draw two circles. In one circle write 1,200 and in the other circle write 1,345. Add the numbers in the circles together.

Use logical reasoning.
Multiply 1,200 by 2 to figure out how many candles were made in June and July. Multiply 1,345 by 2 to figure out how many candles were made in August and September. Add the two numbers together to find the total number of candles made in four months.

Work backward.
Divide 1,200 by 2 (for the 2 months, June and July). Then divide 1,345 by 2 (for the 2 months August and September). Add these two numbers.

Your first and third answers are correct.

Thank you sooooooooo much PayDAG

The correct strategies to solve this problem are:

1. Translate into an equation: This strategy involves setting up an equation to represent the problem. In this case, you can multiply 1,200 by 2 (for June and July) and 1,345 by 2 (for August and September) and then add the results together.

2. Use logical reasoning: By using logical reasoning, you can analyze the problem and break it down step by step. Multiply 1,200 by 2 to find the total number of candles made in June and July. Similarly, multiply 1,345 by 2 to find the total number of candles made in August and September. Finally, add these two results together to get the total number of candles made in four months.

3. Work backward: This strategy involves working in the opposite direction of the problem given. In this case, you can divide 1,200 by 2 to find the average number of candles made per month in June and July. Then, divide 1,345 by 2 to find the average number of candles made per month in August and September. Finally, add these two results together to get the total number of candles made in four months.

The correct answers, therefore, are:

- Translate into an equation.
- Use logical reasoning.
- Work backward.