Which strategies can be used to solve this problem?

Kathleen invited 28 people to her party. She plans to seat 8 people at the dining room table. She will put the rest at round tables with 4 people at each table.

What is the fewest number of round tables that Kathleen needs so that each guest will have a seat?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Here's Your Answer!

ok so seat 8 at dining table
seat rest at round tables that can seat 4

we know hw many dining tables we have (1) but we don't know how many round tables we have, so subtract

total-number siting at dining table=number sitting at round tables
28-8=20=numbers sittin at round tables

20 sitting at round tables
then find how many tables
5 times so 5 tables

To solve this problem, we need to determine the fewest number of round tables Kathleen needs so that each guest will have a seat. We can apply the following strategies:

1. Division: Divide the number of guests by the number of people at each round table to find the number of round tables needed.
- Divide 20 (28 guests - 8 seats at the dining room table) by 4 (4 people at each round table): 20 ÷ 4 = 5. This suggests that Kathleen needs 5 round tables.

2. Multiplication: Multiply the number of people at each round table by the number of round tables needed to find the total number of people seated at round tables. Subtract this number from the total number of guests to find the number of guests seated at the dining room table.
- Multiply 4 (4 people at each round table) by 5 (5 round tables): 4 x 5 = 20. This means that 20 guests will be seated at round tables.
- Subtract 20 (guests seated at round tables) from 28 (total guests): 28 - 20 = 8. Therefore, 8 guests will be seated at the dining room table.

Using these strategies, we have determined that Kathleen needs 5 round tables to ensure that each guest has a seat. The correct answers, in this case, are:
- 5 round tables.

Note: In real-life scenarios, practical considerations such as available space and seating arrangements may influence the actual strategies used to solve the problem.