Ivan saves 20% of his monthly paycheck for music equipment. He earned $335 last month.

a. How much did he save for music equipment? Explain.
b. If he uses $20.10 of what he earned to buy sheet music, what percent of his earnings is this amount? Explain.

a. To calculate how much Ivan saved for music equipment, we need to find 20% of his monthly paycheck.

To do this, we first convert 20% into a decimal by dividing it by 100: 20/100 = 0.2.

Next, we multiply his monthly paycheck ($335) by 0.2: $335 * 0.2 = $67.

Therefore, Ivan saved $67 for music equipment.

b. To find the percentage of Ivan's earnings spent on sheet music, we need to divide the amount he spent ($20.10) by his earnings ($335) and then multiply it by 100.

First, we perform the division: $20.10 / $335 = 0.06.

Next, we multiply the result by 100 to find the percentage: 0.06 * 100 = 6.

Therefore, $20.10 of his earnings represents 6% of his paycheck.

saving = .2*335

= ....

20.10/335 * 100% = ......