How has the economy of Russia changed since the fall of the Soviet Union?

from a mixed to a market **

from a market to a command

from a command to a mixed

from a market to a mixed

Q_Q assistance would be much appreciated...

o_o what did i do wrong!?

What is the answer

Ms sue you sure aren’t a good teacher ... at least help us

The correct answer is D. Russia's economy has transitioned from a market to a mixed economy since the fall of the Soviet Union.

To understand how the economy of Russia has changed, it is important to know the definitions of the different types of economies:

1. Market Economy: In a market economy, the production, distribution, and pricing of goods and services are determined by supply and demand within the market, with little to no government intervention.

2. Command Economy: In a command economy, the government exercises significant control over the production, distribution, and pricing of goods and services. Key economic decisions are made by the state, rather than by market forces.

3. Mixed Economy: A mixed economy is a combination of both market and command economy elements. In a mixed economy, the government and the private sector both play a role in determining the production, distribution, and pricing of goods and services.

Now, let's go back to the question. The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked a significant shift in Russia's economic system. During the Soviet era, the country operated under a command economy, where the government had complete control over economic activities.

However, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia embarked on economic reforms that aimed to transition from a command economy to a market economy. This period, known as "shock therapy," involved the implementation of market-oriented policies, such as privatization of state-owned enterprises, liberalization of trade and prices, and the introduction of market-based mechanisms.

While Russia made some progress in implementing market reforms, it did not fully transition into a pure market economy. Instead, it adopted a mixed economic system, with elements of both market and command economies. The government continued to play a significant role in key sectors of the economy, such as energy, banking, and defense. Additionally, certain industries remained under state control or influence.

In summary, since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia's economy has changed from a command economy to a mixed economy, with a blend of market-oriented policies and state intervention.

