Please check my answers for Algebra 1B Unit 2 lesson 9 Exponents and Exponential Functions Unit Test

My Answers:

Guys, are you all doing a different test than me? im in connexus, and mine is 24 questions long. so either you are all trolling, or im just dumb.

do not trust they are all wrong i got a 29

WAHHHHHH where r the actual good answers

1. A (-1/5)

2. D (1)
3. D (-y^4)
4. D (5^11)
5. A (3)
6. B (y^12)
7. C (1/625t^12)
8. A (-13/5)
9. A (x^21)
10. C (16/49y^25)
11. C (yes; the number is written in scientific notation.)
12. C (3×10^-9 , 7×10^-5 , 5×10^4 , 8×10^4)
13. D (3.6×10^-49)
14. C (1.31×10^15)
15. A (9.355×10^7)
16. B (3.2×10^-2 seconds)
17. B (yes)
18. B (no)
19. C
20. A
21. B (4,000 bacteria)
22. B
23. B ($4,862.03)
24. A ($18,112.45)

Bruh most of the tests are a lil bit different so you have to type out the question and answer to actually get the right answer for other ppl


2. 1
3. -A^2
4. 4^9
5. 3
6. Y^12
7. 1/625t^12
8. Idk
9. T^38
10. 27/8b^12
11. Yes
12. A
13. 3.6 x 10^6
14.1.31x 10^15
15. 9.355x10^7
connections Academy unit 2 lesson 9 exponents and exponential functions unit test

we all have a different test

Al5X1 Doesn't have all the right answer I got a 12/24 half of those answers are wrong

Ok i'm back i went through and checked all the answers that were posted here (Cause i'm a wonderful person) And here are all the correct answers for the unit 2 lesson 9

1.Q: -(5)^-1 A: -1/5
2.Q: (-7.4)^0 A: 1
3.Q: -1/a^-2 A: -a^2
4.Q: 5^4 x 5^7 A: 5^11
5.Q: (3)^10(3)^19 A: 3
6.Q: (q^9)^2 A: q18
7.Q: (3t^5)^-3 A: 1/27t^15
8.Q: What is the value of 11x^-3y-1 for x=-1 and y=2 A: negative 11/2
9.Q: (t^-4)^-9t^2 A: t^38
10.Q: (2/5n^9)^2 A: 4/25n^18
11.Q: determine if 3.43x10^-6 is written in scientific notation A: YES
12.Q: what is the order of 4x10^-7, 7x10^-9, 1x10^4, 2x10^4 from least to greatest A: (i'm being lazy here and only putting the first number of each one i'm sorry) 1 2 4 7
13.Q: Find the simplified form of the expression give the answer in scientific notation (8x10^4)(9x1-^-8) A: 7.2x10-5
14.Q: astronomers measure large distances in light years one light year is the distance that light can travel in one year or 5.88x10^12 miles. suppose a star is 9.8x10^1 light years from earth. how many miles is it in scientific notation. A: 5.76x10^14 miles
15.Q: a dianasour fossil is 92.170.000 years old express age in scientific notation. A: 9x10^7
16.Q: radio signals travel at a rate of 3x10^8 meters per second. how many seconds will it take for a radio signal to travel from a satalite to earth if the satilite is orbiting at a height of 4.2x10^7 A: 1.4x10^-1 seconds
17.Q: does the table represent an exponential function? A: Yes
18.Q: does the rule y=6x^7 represent and exponential function A: No
19.Q:choose the correct graph of the function y=-5(3^x) A: the third graph (c)
20.Q: choose the correct graph of the function y=1/5 (3^x) A: Second graph (b)
21.Q: a lab is growing bacteria in a culture disk the amount of bacteria doubles every 3 hours, initally there are 500 bacteria in the dish how many are there after 9 hours A: 4,000
22.Q: mark raises guppies in an aquarium the number of guppies double each month he starts out with 10 and the function y=10(2^x) A: the second graph ()b
23.Q: a 6,300.00 principal earns 6% interest after 3 years what it the balance in the account A: 7,503.40
24.Q: a tractor costs 15,450.00 and deprecitates in value by 14% per year how much will it be worth after 3 years A: 9,827.85

hope this helps remember to work hard :) <3

mines 26 questions wtf