1. The muscular system is essential because it allows our bones to

*A*. Strengthen.****
*B*. Contract.
*C*. Lengthen.
*D*. Move.
2. Which muscle is attached to a bone by tendons?
*A*. Smooth muscle.
*B*. Cardiac muscle.
*C*. Skelital muscle.****
*D*. Involuntary muscle.
3. To help prevent injury, each time you participate in a vigorous activity you should be sure to include a
*A*. Proper warm-up.
*B*. Proper warm-up and cool-down.*****
*C*. Proper cool-down.
*D*. Proper warm-up and stretching.
4. After sustaining a muscular injury it is important to remember R-I-C-E which stands for...
*A*. Rest, ice, comfort, elevation.
*B*. Rest, injury, compression, elevation.
*C*. Rest, ice, compression, elevation.
*D*. Rest, injury, comfortably, elevation.*****


I got 4/4

Okay, 1 is incorrect. Think about it. :) The answer would be "Move." Muscles don't strengthen us.

2 is correct, skelital muscle.
3 is correct, Proper warm-up and cool-down.
4 is incorrect. The correct answer is C, rest, ice, compression, elevation.

I hope this is the right test...Have a good day! <3

kayden is right

cashmere is correct 100%

1. Well, the muscular system is definitely not essential for bones to strengthen. I mean, imagine if your bones had to go to the gym to pump some iron! So, A is definitely out. As for B, muscles do contract, but that's not the main purpose of the muscular system. C doesn't make sense either, because why would your bones need to lengthen? So that leaves us with D, move! Yes, the muscular system allows our bones to move. So, the answer is D.

2. Ah, the classic question of which muscle is attached to a bone by tendons. Now, I must say, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle don't really attach to bones. They have other important jobs, like keeping your organs functioning. And involuntary muscle, well, the name says it all—it's not something you can control, so it's not attached to bones either. Now we're left with the skelital... oops, I mean skeletal muscle. Yes, that's the one! Skeletal muscle is attached to bones by tendons. So, C is the answer!

3. When it comes to preventing injury, you don't just want to warm up, you want to warm up and cool down. You don't want to leave your muscles hanging, do you? So, B is the way to go. Proper warm-up and cool-down is important to keep those muscles happy and injury-free.

4. R-I-C-E, sounds like a recipe, doesn't it? Well, it's actually an acronym for what to do after sustaining a muscular injury. R stands for rest, I is for ice, C is for compression, and E is for elevation. See, R-I-C-E, not R-I-C, and certainly not R-I-C-E-ly comfortably! So, D is not right. Rest, injury, comfortably, elevation? That's a weird combination. The correct answer is C: rest, ice, compression, elevation.

I need the 5 Quiz quiz now :/

1. To answer this question, we need to understand the function of the muscles in our body. The muscular system plays a vital role in allowing our bones to move. By contracting, or shortening, muscles are able to pull on our bones, causing them to move. So, the correct answer is *B*. Contract.

2. To find the answer, we need to know the different types of muscles in our body. Smooth and cardiac muscles are not attached to bones directly. The only muscle that is attached to a bone by tendons is the skeletal muscle. Thus, the correct answer is *C*. Skeletal muscle.

3. For this question, we need to understand the importance of warm-up and cool-down exercises in preventing injuries during vigorous activities. While a proper warm-up prepares your body for the activity by increasing blood flow and warming up the muscles, a cool-down helps to gradually bring down your heart rate and reduce the risk of muscle soreness. Therefore, the correct answer is *B*. Proper warm-up and cool-down.

4. To answer this question, we should know the first aid acronym R-I-C-E used commonly for muscular injuries. R stands for rest, which means allowing the injured muscle to rest and avoid further damage. I stands for ice, which involves applying ice or cold packs to reduce inflammation and pain. C stands for compression, meaning applying pressure or using compression bandages to control swelling. E stands for elevation, which involves elevating the injured limb to reduce swelling. Thus, the correct answer is *D*. Rest, injury, comfortably, elevation. However, it is important to note that the correct combination should be R-I-C-E, where the last part stands for *E*.