If a forest ecosystem is removed through clear-cutting, many species of organisms that lived in that ecosystem disappear. Their loss is due to ________________________. Habitat destruction

15.When fossil fuels are burned, they produce ________________, the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming trends. Carbon dioxide
16.By switching from fossil fuels to solar, wind, hydroelectric, and other renewable sources of energy, humans can ___________ the trends in biodiversity loss. Prevent
17.Depletion of the ____________ in the atmosphere has slowed because of an international ban on the manufacture of chemical compounds used in refrigerators and aerosol spray cans. Ozone layer
18.Fertilizers and pesticides applied to farm fields in Pennsylvania have made their way down into the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. This is an example of _________________ pollution. Nonpoint source
19.Before beginning any land development project, people should carry out a(n) ___________________ analysis to consider all of the potential impacts of the project on the local ecosystems. Ecological footprint
20.If changing conditions lead to decreased oxygen levels in the stream, the carrying capacity of the stream for the trout will decrease. Oxygen level in water is therefore a(n) _____________ with respect to the number of trout that a particular stream can support. Limiting factor
21.To conserve materials and energy, it is best to recycle as much solid waste as possible. Recycling slows the rate of waste going into ______________. Landfills
22.Disturbance of an ecosystem by human activity often has negative effects on the number of species, which is a measure of its __________________. Biodiversity

Agree with all, but not familiar with the term on 18, so I am not sure on that one.

18 is non-point source pollution

Are you sure?

Google non-point source (nps) pollution. NPS is when the pollution is from several sources (as in farm run off from many different farms) while point source pollution is due to a specific industrial (manufacturing) site.

If a forest ecosystem is removed through clear-cutting, many species of organisms that lived in that ecosystem disappear. Their loss is due to habitat destruction. Clear-cutting involves the removal of all trees in an area, resulting in the destruction of the natural habitat of various plant and animal species. This removal of habitat means that the organisms that rely on the forest ecosystem for food, shelter, and breeding grounds can no longer survive there, leading to their disappearance.

To understand why the loss of species is due to habitat destruction, we need to know what habitat is. Habitat refers to the specific environment in which an organism naturally lives and can meet all its basic needs. This includes factors such as food availability, water supply, temperature, and shelter. Organisms have adapted to their specific habitats over time, and any alteration or destruction of their habitat can lead to their inability to survive.

In the case of clear-cutting, when a forest ecosystem is removed, the trees that provided shelter, food (in the form of fruits, nuts, leaves, etc.), and nesting sites for various organisms are no longer present. This directly affects species like birds, mammals, insects, and plants that specifically rely on the forest ecosystem for their survival. The loss of plant species affects herbivores that feed on these plants, and the absence of herbivores can impact predators higher up in the food chain. This disruption of the habitat ultimately leads to the disappearance of numerous species that were dependent on the forest ecosystem.