Why did colonists resent the new taxes imposed by Parliament after 1763?

A. because the taxes were higher than the colonists could afford
B. because the colonists did not have a say in Parliament
C. because people who lived in Britain did not have to pay taxes
D. because the tax money would not be used to benefit the colonies

1. Why did colonists resent the new taxes imposed by Parliament after 1763?

~because the colonists did not have a say in Parliament~ (B)

2. With which of the following statements would a framer of the U.S. Constitution disagree?
~Government works best when it gives unlimited rights and freedom to its people~ (D)

3. Which of the following influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence?
~Locke’s idea of popular sovereignty~ (B)

4. How did the idea of natural rights influence the Declaration of Independence?
~Government safeguards the natural rights of individuals.~ (B)

5. Which was a result of the Treaty of Paris?
~The British recognized the independence of the United States.~ (C)

6. Which characterizes the form of government the Constitution created for the United States?
~power divided between the national government and the states~ (C)

7. Which statement correctly describes the global impact of the American Revolution?
~It proved that a colonial revolt could produce a nation with an elected leader and an elected legislature.~ (C)

8. Which precedents did the U.S. Constitution establish for other governments?
~Citizens have basic rights that governments must safeguard.~ (B)
~People cannot be forced to testify against themselves.~ (D)

9. Which of the following is an example of the legislative branch checking the judicial branch in the U.S. government?
~Congress rejects a nominee to a federal court.~ (D)

10. Under the U.S. Constitution, which responsibilities do non citizens living in the United States have?
~obeying laws~ (B)
~paying taxes~ (C)

idk if anyone’s gonna need this but here ya go<3

anddd wait loll sorry if there are any mistakes in grammar or in a question itself...I wrote these all together instead of copy and pasting...I’ll leave now


I know this was in 2019 but for future references the answer is A <3

T^T is 100% correct

yeah T^T is right

T^T is 100% right

The correct answer is D. The colonists resented the new taxes imposed by Parliament after 1763 because they believed that the tax money would not be used to benefit the colonies (Answer D). To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the historical context. After the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years' War, ended in 1763, Britain faced a massive war debt. To pay off this debt and maintain control over the colonies, the British government decided to impose various taxes on the American colonies.

To understand why the colonists resented these taxes, let's examine the other answer choices as well:

A. The taxes were higher than the colonists could afford: While this may have been a factor, it was not the sole reason for the colonists' resentment. Some of the taxes, like the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act, did indeed burden the colonists financially. However, the primary source of their resentment was not the amount of the taxes, but rather their lack of representation in Parliament and the belief that the tax money was being misused.

B. The colonists did not have a say in Parliament: This answer choice is also true and was a significant source of frustration for the colonists. They believed that it was unjust to be taxed by a government in which they had no representation. However, the resentment grew even further when they saw that the tax money was not being used to benefit their colonies.

C. People who lived in Britain did not have to pay taxes: While it is true that people living in Britain did not face the same taxes as the colonies, this was not the main reason for the colonists' resentment. The primary issue was not that British citizens were exempt from these specific taxes, but rather the broader lack of representation and the perceived misuse of tax revenue.

In summary, the colonists primarily resented the new taxes imposed by Parliament after 1763 because they believed that the tax money would not be used to benefit the colonies (Answer D). This sentiment was fueled by a lack of representation in Parliament (Answer B) and a sense of injustice regarding the use of tax revenue, rather than simply being a matter of the taxes being too high (Answer A) or the disparity between the colonies and Britain in terms of tax obligations (Answer C).

Have you heard the slogan, "Taxation without representation"?