What is Feudalism and how did it work?

Just asking for a helpful article or something like that since other people helped a lot on the last question I asked by giving a article out. Tia! :-)


Feudalism was a social and economic system that was prevalent in medieval Europe. It was based on a hierarchical structure of land ownership and labor services. While I can't provide a specific article, I can certainly explain how feudalism worked.

In a feudal system, the king owned all the land. They would grant parcels of land, known as fiefs, to nobles, who were called vassals. In return, the vassals would provide military service and other forms of support to the king.

The vassals, in turn, would subdivide their fiefs and grant them to lesser nobles or knights. These knights would provide military service to their immediate lords.

At the bottom of the feudal pyramid were the peasants, also known as serfs or villeins. They were bound to the land and owed labor services, such as farming or other agricultural work, to their lords. In return, they would receive protection and a small plot of land to sustain themselves.

The key aspect of feudalism was the system of mutual obligations and loyalty. Lords had responsibilities to provide protection, justice, and support to their vassals, while vassals would pledge loyalty and service to their lords.

Feudalism was a decentralized system with a strong emphasis on personal relationships and mutual obligations. It provided a framework for political, social, and economic organization during the Middle Ages.

To get more in-depth information, I suggest searching for reliable sources such as history textbooks, scholarly articles, or reputable websites. These sources can provide a comprehensive understanding of feudalism's intricacies and its impact on medieval society.