Why did Rome became a republic?

A. The king's broad powers allowed him to mistreat his people.

B. The established monarchy wasn’t powerful enough.

C. The aristocrats misused their power.

D. The poor formed a rebellion against the aristocrats.

What little we know, is here: https://www.britannica.com/place/Roman-Republic

and yes, non connections academy folks, that is how it was written in the lesson. BAD GRAMMAR ANNOYS ME SO MUCHHH

bot r u here?

The correct answer is C. The aristocrats misused their power.

Rome became a republic mainly because the aristocrats misused their power. The Roman Republic was founded in 509 BCE after the overthrow of the Etruscan king, Tarquinius Superbus. The king's broad powers allowed him to mistreat his people, which did contribute to the desire for change. However, it was the exploitation and abuse of power by the aristocrats, known as patricians, that played a crucial role in the establishment of the republic. The plebeians, who were the common people, faced economic and social hardships due to the oppressive practices of the patrician class.

In response to these abuses, the plebeians organized themselves and demanded political and economic rights. This led to a series of conflicts and political struggles between the plebeians and the patricians. The plebeians, backed by their military power, were able to secure various concessions and reforms over time, such as the creation of tribunes who protected the rights of the plebeians and the establishment of the Twelve Tables, which codified the laws and gave legal protection to all citizens.

The establishment of a republic provided a more balanced and inclusive government structure, where power was shared among different classes and individuals had a say in decision-making. This transition from monarchy to republic ultimately aimed to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a single ruler or class, and to ensure that the rights and interests of all citizens were protected.