Consider the following program segment. Without using Dr.Java, What this program prints? (my class uses Dr.Java)

The answer that this program prints which i got was: 22
Is my answer correct?

public class sample {
public static void main(String[] args){
Sample x = new Sample();
int i = 10;
int b = x.g(i);
System.out.println(b + i);
public int f(int d){
int n = 0;
while(n*n < d){
return n-1;
public int g(int a){
int b = 0;
int c;
for(int n = 0; n < a; n++){
c = f(n);
b = b + c;
return b;

I assume your answer is correct, if you ran the code and that's what it printed.

i didn't run the program (i swear). i only looked the the program and i was think if the answer was 22

so, run it, and see whether you were right!

ok thanks

To determine what the program segment prints, we need to analyze its execution. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the program:

1. The program starts by creating an instance of the `Sample` class and assigning it to the variable `x`.
2. Two integer variables, `i` and `b`, are initialized with the value `10`.
3. The `g` method is called on the `x` object, passing the value of `i` as an argument. This method computes a value based on a loop and returns it to the caller.
4. In the `g` method, two integer variables, `b` and `c`, are initialized with the value `0`.
5. A `for` loop is executed `a` times, where `a` is the value received as an argument. In each iteration, the `f` method is called with the current loop index (`n`) as an argument, and the returned value is added to `b`.
6. Inside the `f` method, a `while` loop is executed until `n*n` becomes greater or equal to `d`. In each iteration, `n` is incremented by `1`.
7. Finally, the result of `b + i` is printed to the console.

Now let's evaluate the program's output:

1. The `g` method is called with `a = 10`. In each iteration of the loop, the `f` method is called with `n` varying from `0` to `9`.
2. Inside the `f` method, the loop iterates until `n*n` becomes greater or equal to `d`. For each `n` value, it will increment `n` by `1` until it satisfies the condition.
3. The return value of the `g` method would be the sum of all `c` values computed inside the loop.
4. The final result is obtained by adding this return value (`b`) to `i`, which is `10`.
5. Therefore, the program should print `b + i = 10 + 12 = 22`.

Based on this analysis, your answer of `22` is correct.