When Charles Darwin returned from his five year voyage on the HMS Beagle, he

A) Realized his ideas about evolution were wrong
B) Copied the evolution theory of Wallace
C) Immediately published his ideas about evolution ***
D) Researched and wrote about his ideas years before publishing them

May somebody please help me?


Read lots and let us know what you decide. Jiskha has no biology expert at present, so we all depend on Google and khanacademy.org.

Thank you Writeacher!

You're welcome.

The answer would actually be D because the Beagle did not return until October 2, 1836 and he didn't publish the research until 1859 where he was 50 at the time. Thank you so much Writeacher for giving me a link that helped me a lot!

You're very welcome!

The correct answer is C) Immediately published his ideas about evolution.

To arrive at this answer, we need to be familiar with the life and work of Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who is best known for his theory of evolution by natural selection. He spent five years aboard the HMS Beagle on a scientific expedition around the world from 1831 to 1836. During this voyage, Darwin collected a vast amount of data, including specimens and observations from various locations.

Upon returning from his voyage, Darwin did not immediately publish his ideas about evolution. He spent several years organizing his thoughts, studying his collections, and conducting further research. It wasn't until nearly two decades later, in 1859, that Darwin finally published his groundbreaking book, "On the Origin of Species," in which he presented his theory of evolution. This book laid out the evidence and arguments for the concept of natural selection as the mechanism for species evolution.

Therefore, option C) Immediately published his ideas about evolution is incorrect.