The governmet of south Africa is a parliamentary democracy. What does this mean

never mind. I figured it out. Thanks to all

Google parliamentary democracy.

thank you Ms Sue. I remembered you told me before to do that when I got stuck....That's what I remembered to do.

A parliamentary democracy is a form of government where the executive branch (headed by a Prime Minister or a President) derives its power from the legislature (parliament) and is accountable to it. In the context of South Africa, being a parliamentary democracy means that the government operates under a system where:

1. Parliament is the highest law-making body: The parliament is responsible for making and passing laws, and it holds the ultimate authority in making decisions that affect the country.
2. The executive branch is accountable to the parliament: The head of government (Prime Minister or President) and their cabinet are accountable to the parliament. They are elected from and by the members of parliament (MPs) or appointed by the President, who is chosen by the parliament.
3. The parliament represents the people: MPs are elected by the citizens of South Africa to represent their interests. They bring their constituents' concerns and issues to parliament to be addressed and debated.
4. Party discipline: Political parties play a significant role in a parliamentary democracy. MPs usually belong to political parties, and party discipline ensures that members follow the party's policies and decisions.
5. Vote of no confidence: Parliament has the power to remove the head of government or dissolve the government through a vote of no confidence. If the majority of MPs express lack of confidence in the government, a new election or a change of government may take place.

To learn more about South Africa's specific political system and the workings of their parliamentary democracy, you can refer to their constitution, study political science literature, or explore official government websites that provide detailed information on the country's governance.