How did some people help Ruby Bridges's family?

My teacher gave me this link to read about Ruby:

Good site.

To find out how some people helped Ruby Bridges's family, you can start by conducting research. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find relevant information:

1. Use a search engine: Start by entering relevant keywords such as "Ruby Bridges," "family," and "help" into a search engine like Google.

2. Read reliable sources: Look for reliable sources such as news articles, books, or official websites that provide accurate information about Ruby Bridges's story. Remember to critically evaluate the sources to ensure credibility.

3. Search for primary sources: Try to find interviews, personal accounts, or memoirs from people who were involved in supporting Ruby Bridges's family during their difficult times. These primary sources provide firsthand information and personal perspectives.

4. Explore historical context: To understand the historical context of Ruby Bridges's situation, look for information about the civil rights movement and the desegregation of schools in the United States during the 1960s. This background will provide you with a broader understanding of the challenges faced by Ruby and her family.

5. Analyze the information: Once you have gathered enough information, read through the sources and identify the ways in which people supported Ruby Bridges's family. It could include actions such as financial assistance, emotional support, legal help, providing a safe environment, or advocating for their rights.

By following these steps, you should be able to find various examples and instances of how some people helped Ruby Bridges's family during those tumultuous times in American history.