Does this sentence use a predicate pronoun

He is my favorite coach.
My answer=yes

I think so!

Please be patient. We are real volunteers, not robots.

Coach is not a pronoun.

Meow -- do not respond unless you are sure of the answer.

I think it's "Yes" because 'he' Is a pronoun. Even through, coach isn't. So, I believe it is. If not, please help me understand too.

He is the subject. It is NOT a predicate pronoun.

Do not answer unless your you are absolutely sure.
Also -- I taught English for many years. Please accept that I know more than you about English grammar!

It was right meow kitty whatever her name is is good same with silverstream

If your "yes" answer was considered correct, you really need to talk to your teacher.

As Ms. Sue said --
He = pronoun, subject
coach = noun, predicate noun

There is no predicate pronoun in that sentence.

It was correct and I guess I might ask

Yes, the sentence "He is my favorite coach" does use a predicate pronoun. The predicate pronoun in this sentence is "He."

To identify the predicate pronoun in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject: The subject is who or what the sentence is about. In this case, the subject is "He."

2. Find the verb: The verb is the action or state of being in the sentence. In this case, the verb is "is."

3. Determine if the subject is performing the action or if the subject is being described: In this sentence, the subject "He" is being described as "my favorite coach."

4. If the subject is being described, then the word that follows the verb is the predicate pronoun. In this sentence, the word "He" is the predicate pronoun.

Therefore, the sentence "He is my favorite coach" uses the predicate pronoun "He."