how does life in instanbul differ from life in rural turkey

A. instanbul is more modern then rural turkey
B. women do not work outside the house, wear as they do work outside the hose in rural turkey
C. instanbul does not have a mixed economy , and rural turkey does
D. Istanbul is democratic, and rural turkey is ruled by dictators
my answer is A

Yes, A.

Great! Your answer is correct. Life in Istanbul is generally more modern compared to life in rural Turkey. To verify this, you can consider several factors:

1. Infrastructure: Istanbul has a well-developed infrastructure with modern facilities such as airports, highways, public transportation, and advanced communication networks. In contrast, rural areas may have less developed infrastructure.

2. Access to Services: Istanbul offers a wide range of services, including education, healthcare, entertainment, and shopping options, which are often more limited in rural areas.

3. Job Opportunities: Istanbul, being a major economic hub, offers more diverse job opportunities and a larger labor market. In rural areas, employment may be primarily focused on agriculture and traditional industries.

4. Cultural Diversity: Istanbul is a cosmopolitan city with a diverse population, attracting people from different cultural backgrounds. Rural areas tend to have more homogenous communities, preserving traditional rural lifestyles.

Remember, when answering questions like these, it's essential to provide reasoning to support your response. Great job!