Who are those old men

Bent over in the sunshine?
Skeletons of corn

What is the tone of the poem?

1. bored
2. satisfied
3. concerned
4. jubilant

Ms. Sue could possibly be correct, but I still think you should recheck, just to be sure.

To determine the tone of a poem, you must analyze the emotions and attitudes conveyed by the words and imagery used in the poem. In this case, the poem "Skeletons of Corn" depicts old men who are bent over in the sunshine. The use of the word "skeletons" suggests something fragile, withered, and perhaps lifeless. The imagery of old men bent over in the sunshine can be associated with weariness, fragility, and the passage of time.

Considering this, the likely tone of the poem is "concerned" (Option 3). The poem seems to evoke a sense of empathy and concern for these old men who may be portrayed as frail and vulnerable.

Yeah, I agree with Ms. Sue on the second sentence, but not for her answer. I think it is concerned, but as Ms. Sue had said before, each of us may read something different in those lines.

I think satisfied -- but that's not an absolute answer. Each of us may read something different in those lines.