politicans may be moked by politcal cartoons when they make

A. unpopluar decisions
B. popluar decisions
C. wise decisions
D. unique decisions
my answer is A

ms.sue am i right

You're probably right. However cartoonists may mock anything politicians do or say.

yep just wanted to make sure thank you ms.sue you are a great tutor

Political cartoons are a form of satire where artists use humor and caricature to comment on political events and poke fun at politicians. They often exaggerate certain features or characteristics of politicians to create a humorous effect.

To determine which answer is correct, we need to understand the purpose of political cartoons. They aim to provide commentary and criticism on political figures, policies, and decisions. By mocking politicians, political cartoons can underline the flaws, inconsistencies, or unfavorable consequences of their actions.

Therefore, you are correct in choosing option A, which states that politicians may be mocked by political cartoons when they make unpopular decisions. Political cartoons often target politicians who make decisions that are widely disagreed upon or controversial, as this provides ample material for humor and satire.

However, it's important to note that political cartoons can also be used to mock politicians for other reasons, such as when they make popular decisions that are seen as insincere, when they make what is perceived as unwise decisions, or when they make decisions that are seen as unique or unconventional. While these situations may not be as common as mocking unpopular decisions, they can still be the subject of political cartoonists' satire.

In summary, political cartoons primarily mock politicians when they make unpopular decisions, but they can also target politicians for a variety of other reasons.