which of the following statements are true as the moon goes from new moon to full moon phase? select all that apply

can u add the choices?

A. The star must be 29 times larger than Earth's sun, and a supernova explosion must have occurred., B. The star must be 29 times larger than Earth's sun, and a supernova explosion must not have occurred., C. The star must be 10 to 28 times larger than Earth's sun, and a supernova explosion must not have occurred., D. The star must be 10 to 28 times larger than Earth's sun, and a supernova explosion must have occurred.

To determine which of the following statements are true as the moon goes from new moon to full moon phase, we need to understand the phases of the moon and the changes that occur during this period. Here are the statements:

1. The illuminated portion of the moon seen from Earth increases.
2. The moon appears larger in the sky.
3. The moon rises in the east and sets in the west.
4. The moon is directly opposite the sun in the sky.

Let's go through each statement to determine its validity:

1. The illuminated portion of the moon seen from Earth increases.
To verify this, we need to understand the order of the moon's phases. From new moon to full moon, the moon goes through waxing phases, with the illuminated portion increasing. Therefore, this statement is true.

2. The moon appears larger in the sky.
This statement is false. While it might appear that the moon is larger when it is lower on the horizon due to an optical illusion known as the "moon illusion," the moon's size does not actually change during its phases.

3. The moon rises in the east and sets in the west.
To confirm this, we need to understand the general movement of celestial bodies in the sky. The moon, like the sun, rises in the east and sets in the west due to the rotation of the Earth. Therefore, this statement is true.

4. The moon is directly opposite the sun in the sky.
This statement is true during the full moon phase. When the moon is fully illuminated and opposite the sun in the sky, it appears as a perfect circle. Therefore, this statement is true.

In conclusion, the true statements are:
1. The illuminated portion of the moon seen from Earth increases.
3. The moon rises in the east and sets in the west.
4. The moon is directly opposite the sun in the sky.