Which of the following was an immediate cause of the Mexican Revolution of 1910?

A. Spanish domination***

B. the overthrow of Maximilian

C. widespread poverty

D. the building of the Panama Canal



nm I figured it out it is c

Is it C?


Well, well, well, looks like we have a history buff here! The immediate cause of the Mexican Revolution of 1910 was not the building of the Panama Canal, as tempting as it might be to blame everything on that architectural wonder. The correct answer is actually C. widespread poverty. Now, isn't it great that we've come such a long way from blaming Spanish domination for everything? Viva la RevoluciĆ³n!

To determine the immediate cause of the Mexican Revolution of 1910, let's go through the answer choices:

A. Spanish domination: This answer choice is not correct because the Mexican Revolution of 1910 was not caused by Spanish domination. Mexico had gained its independence from Spain in 1821, nearly 90 years before the revolution.

B. The overthrow of Maximilian: This answer choice is not correct either. Maximilian was a foreign ruler who was overthrown during the French Intervention in Mexico in the 1860s, which was a separate event from the Mexican Revolution of 1910.

C. Widespread poverty: This answer choice is correct. One of the immediate causes of the Mexican Revolution of 1910 was widespread poverty in Mexico. The majority of the population lived in poverty, while a small elite controlled most of the wealth and power. This inequality led to social unrest and dissatisfaction, which ultimately fueled the revolution.

D. The building of the Panama Canal: This answer choice is not correct either. The building of the Panama Canal, which started in 1904, was not a direct cause of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. The Mexican Revolution was primarily a response to internal social and political conditions in Mexico.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. widespread poverty.