Does anyone know of any good Spanish practice apps or flashcards? I'm taking my first year, so nothing too advanced please. Thanks!

I personally like to use an app called babbel

alright, i'll give it a go. is it free?

Sure! Finding good Spanish practice apps or flashcards is an excellent way to improve your language skills. There are several options available for beginners. Here's how you can find some suitable apps or flashcards:

1. App Stores: Start by checking popular app stores such as Google Play (for Android) or the App Store (for iOS). Search for keywords like "Spanish practice," "Spanish flashcards," or "Learn Spanish," and filter the results by ratings and reviews. This will help you find apps that other users have found helpful.

2. Language Learning Websites: Many language learning websites offer free or paid apps and flashcards. Websites such as Duolingo, Babbel, or Rosetta Stone usually have accompanying apps with interactive exercises for beginners. Explore these websites and see if their apps meet your requirements.

3. Online Reviews and Recommendations: Look for reviews or recommendations from language learners on forums, language learning communities, or social media platforms. Websites like Reddit, Quora, or language learning Facebook groups can provide valuable insights into which apps or flashcards are popular and effective for beginners.

4. YouTube Channels: Some language learning YouTubers often recommend their favorite language learning apps or flashcards. Look for channels dedicated to teaching Spanish or language learning in general and check out their video recommendations or reviews.

Remember to prioritize apps that offer a variety of practice exercises, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Look for apps that provide clear explanations and offer spaced repetition, as this can greatly enhance your language retention. It's also beneficial to choose apps that align with your preferred learning style and provide a fun and engaging experience.

Ultimately, personal preferences may vary, so don't hesitate to try out a few different options and see which ones work best for you.