Jennifer writes the letters M-O-N-T-A-N-A on cards and then places the cards in a hat. What are the odds in favor of picking a vowel?

Is it 3:4???

3 vowels / 7 letters

oof, stuped me! thank you Damon

You are welcome.

Odds in favour of some event = prob(the event) : prob(not that event)

prob(a vowel) = 3/7
prob(not a vowel) = 4/7

odds in favour of a vowel = 3/7 : 4/7 = 3 : 4

whoops sorry, I read probability, not odds

To determine the odds in favor of picking a vowel, we need to count the number of cards with a vowel and the number of cards without a vowel.

In the given word "M-O-N-T-A-N-A," the vowels are the letters A and O. To find the number of cards with a vowel, we count the occurrence of A and O: 2.

The total number of cards is equal to the total number of letters in the word, which is 7.

Therefore, the number of cards without a vowel is 7 - 2 = 5.

To express the odds in favor of picking a vowel, we compare the number of favorable outcomes (picking a vowel) to the number of unfavorable outcomes (not picking a vowel). In this case, the odds in favor of picking a vowel are 2:5.

From the given options, none of them represent this ratio of 2:5. So, none of the options provided is correct.